Prioritizing the Safety with Trench Box Excavation System
Modern construction requires excavation as a primary step. Not only for constructing the buildings, but modern inventions, such as metro lines, domestic pipes, electric and telephone wiring have made it necessary to develop more complex and permanent underground structures. There is much improvement in the tools and equipment used in the trench excavation and the way land is moved on excavation construction projects. Therefore, the type of excavation required for these projects other than the building-work excavation needs integral structural solutions. This is where trench boxes play a role in. A trench box is designed as a temporary structure made of steel or aluminum that allows the excavation site to be cut vertical or near vertical. Trench boxes are primarily used as a substitute for piling. Also, since trenches tend to be long and relatively narrow, trench boxes are designed in a way that is best suited for aiding the trench runs that cannot be done with any other excavation...